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The most comprehensive Collection of poetry to date.
Published and unpublished poetry from several books
written over the past eleven years.
"many of these poems were written in my youth
and as a result haven't aged well. but I include them because no other form of writing is more responsible for helping me find my own voice. The evolution of
kris krainock the writer lives within these pages. Mercifully, I have kept (most of) them short. Enjoy."
Poems from the collection "Baptism by fire" (2010-2011)
It's a world out there
12 hours
A Fact I'll bet you didn't know
About time
All my Heroes are Dead
As the sun judges the flower
Baptism by Fire
Biding my time
Broken boys
Broken Heart who?
Chameleon in the Sunlight, Chameleon in the moonlight
Death on third
Get busy
Great Expectations
growing up
Heartbreak from the point of view of a man unaffected
in the flesh!
Jukebox playing forward tunes for backwards folks
Legions of fear
Make yourself At home
Not with a bang but a whimper
Pain barks while misery howls
Reborn on the 4th of July
Something I noticed
Steaming hot soul
Tell me something I don't know
The asphalt is lava
The Big Fear
The Dream
The Raindrop Symphony
The Thing I've Learned About Death
Vagrant Love
What it's About
When I was alive
You Are Everywhere
Poems from the collection "Poems of General Doom" (2009)
Part 1: Get Out While You Still Can
the First One's Always free
Back at It
set it free
The Bed
Longshot broken beer bottle dreams
Easy Rider
Carnal Desire
A cry of pain in the middle of the night
It'd Be Funny if it Weren't So Depressing
Bar Tramps
Four you're Fine, Nine you're mine
A Lie I've Told For Too Long
A Note to Patsy Cline
Dreams that linger long after morning
All I Needed
Bad Fun
Dance, Monkey, Dance!
Simple Poem About puzzles
Happiness is...
A Novel Idea (my Wit will be the end of me)
The Hearses all Line up in Rows of Nine
Robert Frost
Return of the death kid
Sunny side up
Part 2: and the elephants bathed in the sunlight doomed and free
America, the once wild red, white & blue Yonder, the Last Begotten Son of two vile stepparents
The Lion Inside of me is yawning
Reach for the sky
St. Louis
Isolation; Out of reach
There's a sucker dead every minute
A Poem written while 28,000 Feet in the air
Bird of a feather
Mother and Father
Goodbye Cruel World!
Bad times everywhere
Everybody's Hard These days
Creature Lover
Overrated Existence
Real Bores
Purple Whore
Slump down, slump down like a beast by me
Out of control
No End in Sight
Things I Love
Things I see
Too much of too little
Some days I'm the dog, some days I'm the hydrant
Zero in
Part 3: Leave a Light on
Get in bed with the enemy
In the arms of summer
A Poem Written While Standing
The Countdown
Love Poem
Marry me, at least for a little while
The Big Game
The Best Poet
Meant to be
Words to live b y
One day
Laughing stock
Poems starving artists can eat
by way of sadness
A Poem of general doom
How's your heart?
Memories that cut like daggers
Tortured Soul
Love (luv) n. 1, affection for another person
The Heart Wants, The Mind gets
Wiz kid
roaming fires
Quiet Never heard
Old Bulls on the hill
sometimes you have to play with fire
Southpaws Should be drowned at birth
the Impossible
So you can go on feeling
Nice to know I still got it
Lying among the lilac bushes
A good woman
Yes, Yes, Yes
Poems from the collection "People of the night come and get me" (2008)
Three Strikes
Cracking Open my Mind like a can of beer on the first night back to work
A night worth forgetting
Horny Like a Bee
High Horse
A Small tragedy in a world full of them
Mad Dog
Short Term
Christmas again
Working man
Firing Squad
Funny Books
Getting Older
As If I didn't know
Blues Sour & Rock n roll
Coney Island Lineup
An Argument Between Friends
Wine Party
The Dead Dream of an (soon to be) Old Man
Great Balls of Fire!
Poems Before an apocalypse
The Luck of the Poet
My Theory
Blood on the Outlet
The Sore
What else?
Old Loves Sink Faster than Captainless Ships on the Pacific
Cyclones Running Through an Empty World
Dead Romantics
A Million Little things
Street Sick
Roominghouse Love Stories
Expelling Sentiments like a ballerina dancing, or an orchestra playing, or William
Burroughs firing A Bullet through the head of his wife...
Siete il mio Cuore
Put Me On Your Stereo
Dreams from on high
Jane Doe
Death, Be Sure to Wipe Your Feet
Nice guys Finish Last, But they Finish
Hotwired Lovebirds
Jokes for the jester
Nightmare Comedy
More to be added Shortly
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